Author: Jimmy H. Davis, Harry L. Poe
Pages: 236
Call Number: BL240.3 .D37 2008
Synopsis: Chance or Dance An Evaluation of Design is a revised edition of Designer Universe (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2002), which sold out in its first edition and has been out of print since 2005. The book, which provides an overview of design and clarification of the controversial Intelligent Design Movement, has been edited and expanded in light of recent developments in the ID debate. As the controversy over Intelligent Design has grown over the past few years, there has been a tendency to confuse all statements about design with the Intelligent Design Movement, and to confuse any affirmation of creation with Scientific Creationism, Davis and Poe point out. They begin with a brief historical perspective of the design argument and then examine the major breakthroughs in cosmology, math and physics, and chemistry and biology that have provided renewed speculation in design. They have added new material that shows that the idea of design is far more expansive than the ID movements version of it a discussion of Dawkins interpretation of genetic determinism; a chapter that explores the tendency since Darwin to assume that the presence of an observable cause excludes the possibility of divine involvement; and further reflections on wonder and awe that take into account the recent surge of interest in this area. Their study concludes with an argument for the correlation of faith and sensory experience and with the suggestion that science has been successful at describing processes, but has failed at explaining origins. Chance or Dance is ideal for students and general readers interested in understanding how modern science gives evidence for the creation of nature by the God of the Bible. -- Retrieved from Books in Print 9/21/09.
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