Monday, September 21, 2009

Total Cure: The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis

Title: Total Cure: The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis

Author: Harold S. Luft

Pages: 336

Call Number: RA395.A3 L82 2008

Synopsis: Proposals to reform the health care system typically focus on either increasing private insurance or expanding government-sponsored plans. Guaranteeing that everyone is insured, however, does not create a system with the quality of care patients want, the flexibility clinicians need, and the internal dynamics to continually improve the value of health care.In Total Cure, Hal Luft presents a comprehensive new proposal, SecureChoice, which does all that while providing affordable health insurance for every American. SecureChoice is a plan that restructures payment for medical care, harnessing the flexibility and responsiveness of the market by aligning the incentives of clinicians, hospitals, and insurers with those of the patient. It uses the accountability of government to ensure transparency, competition, and equity. -- Retrieved from Books in Print, 9/21/09.


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